
JAKARTA – A resident's tahlilan on Jalan Terogong 3, Cilandak, South Jakarta suddenly fell apart after a student was desperate to break through a road that had been closed. As a result, the food served for the congregation was messy due to being hit by a motorbike.

The congregation was annoyed because the perpetrator was passing by on a motorbike right in front of his face. Perpetrators are considered to have no manners, not civilized. It was this frustration that made the residents finally catch the perpetrator and beat him to a pulp.

It is known that the perpetrator has the initials OL, a student from one of the campuses in the Jagakarsa area, South Jakarta. It turned out that the reckless action was carried out by OL when he was drunk.

The head of the local RW, Abdullah Haris (56) said that the residents had beaten the perpetrators until they were battered.

Haris said, the incident began when the perpetrator wanted to return to the house, which was located next to the tahlilan event.

"So neighbors, the perpetrator came drunk. He broke through wearing a helmet, was chased by residents until he was beaten, but that's normal. Then we saved him, we took him to the police station," Haris told reporters on Jalan Terogong 3, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Friday, July 15 .

Meanwhile, Leha (28), a local resident, explained that the perpetrator had stopped when he learned that there was a tahlilan event. However, suddenly the perpetrator decided to break through right in the middle of the congregation's meal.

"At first I wanted to go straight, it didn't work, finally I turned, straight here (broke). Actually there is another way, just playing around," said Leha.

Leha considered the behavior of her neighbors to be uncivilized. Because he passed by motorbike among the congregation who were sitting enjoying their meal.

"Uncivilized, very inappropriate like that," he said. However, the perpetrators were not prosecuted, because both sides agreed to peace.

"We have resolved it amicably and after all it is part of our citizens," he concluded.

Previously, a reckless motorbike rider crossed the middle of the road when residents held a tahlilan activity. Surprisingly, the motorbike they were driving passed right in the middle of the congregation's meal.

Suddenly it surprised the participants who were sitting cross-legged. The food served is messy.

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