
JEPARA – A Bekasi resident with the initials RD (31) was officially named as a suspect in a case of sexual abuse of minors. The man, who is married and has three children, is suspected of committing a criminal act of molesting a 15-year-old child with the initials D, a resident of Batealit District, Jepara Regency, last June 24.

"The suspect RD persuaded the victim by luring him to marry the child," explained Jepara Police Chief AKBP Warsono, in a written statement, Thursday, July 14.

This incident began when the victim and the perpetrator became acquainted through an online game, the term Mabar aka Playing Together. Then, continued Warsono, the two exchanged WhatsApp numbers with each other.

At that time, the suspect admitted that he was not married and the victim also admitted that he was in his 2nd semester of college. Finally, the perpetrator came to Jepara to meet the victim.

Arriving in Jepara, the perpetrator picked up the victim to his house (waiting not far from the victim's house) and took him to the hotel that had been booked in the Jepara City area.

"While at the hotel they played together (Mabar) online games until finally the victim was persuaded by the suspect to have marital relations," continued Warsono.

At that time, the victim's parents tried to find the victim but were not found. The next day the victim's parents lured their son and the perpetrator through a friend. With the hope that they both return home.

Shortly after, the victim and suspect arrived. The victim's family was waiting and immediately took the perpetrator to the police for further processing.

Warsono explained that the suspect RD violated Article 81 and/or Article 82 of Law No. 17/2016 concerning child protection, which carries a maximum prison sentence of 15 years.

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