
PONTIANAK - The West Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office held a seminar on "Restorative Justice" as one of the principles of law enforcement for resolving a case on the principle of expediency, to students from two universities in West Kalimantan. "Today we held a seminar on Restorative Justice with Tanjungpura University and Panca Bhakti University Pontianak and also the Prosecutor's Office throughout West Kalimantan," said Head of the West Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office Masyhudi in Pontianak, Wednesday 13 July. small cases with no big impact. Then the perpetrator made a mistake for the first time and the legal threat was under five years, as well as the existence of peace between the perpetrator and the victim. Because of peace, of course there is no coercion, and both parties between the perpetrator and the victim feel that the settlement of restorative justice is fair, so it has fulfilled the requirements. to be resolved on the principle of expediency. "With this seminar, it is hoped that the public will know the benefits of law enforcement through Restorative Justice," he said, quoted by Antara.

Masyhudi added, until now throughout 2022 his party has succeeded in carrying out the settlement of legal cases through the application of restorative justice as many as 23 cases. resolving cases with legal emphasis using conscience and of course seeing the purpose of the law itself from the principle of its usefulness, justice that touches the community so that it does not cause a negative stigma, he said. Civil and State Administration and Partnership in Higher Education Tri Dharma Activities. Kajati West Kalimantan said, as a state attorney, her party is ready to provide assistance to the community, including the Untan party in the civil sector. or TUN. "As a national attorney, we are certainly professional in serving the community, such as assistance and assistance including free legal audits," he said. or preventing acts that violate these rules, he said. Meanwhile, the Chancellor of the Untan Garuda Wiko welcomed the memorandum of understanding between the Untan and the West Kalimantan Attorney General's Office regarding the handling of legal issues in the Civil and State Administration and Partnerships in Higher Education Tri Dharma Activities. there are many things that we don't know, so with this collaboration, we can learn more, including risk mitigation in terms of civil and state administration," he said. He thanked the West Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office. "So that we can early prevent or anticipate that nothing will happen," said Garuda Wiko.

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