
JAKARTA - A man with the initials Al was arrested by residents for the theft of a motorbike in Muara Karang, Peluit, Pejaringan, North Jakarta.

The Head of Penjaringan Police, Kompol Ratna Quratul Aini, confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Wednesday, July 13, at 08.30 WIB.

"Yes, that's right, (the perpetrator) has been secured at the (Pejaringan) police station," Ratna said via text message, Wednesday, July 13.

Ratna explained that the incident began when the victim named Santi parked her motorbike at a mini market in Pejaringan, North Jakarta. However, only five minutes later, the victim's motorbike was taken by the perpetrator.

"The victim chased and shouted the thief. At that time the witness was passing at the TKP (scene) and chased him. The perpetrator was kicked by the witness, the residents managed to secure it," he explained.

Ratna said, in addition to securing the perpetrators, her party also secured evidence of the Letter T key, fake keys and the victim's motorbike.

"From the perpetrator's statement, he committed the crime with his friend, R, who is still being chased. Meanwhile, IA is already a suspect," he said.

For his actions, IA was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code regarding theft of motorbikes with a threat of 7 years in prison

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