
BANDUNG - The panel of judges at the Bandung District Court (PN) has yet to grant the attorney's request to directly present the defendant in the alleged bribery case, namely the inactive Bogor Regent Ade Yasin to the courtroom.

The inaugural trial with the agenda of reading the indictment of Ade Yasin was held online on Wednesday. The inactive regent attended an online trial from the KPK building, Jakarta.

"We anticipate that we will follow the rules, and right now we are still in this pandemic, and there are still further stages," said Chief Justice Hera Kartiningsih at the Bandung Corruption Court, Bandung City, West Java, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 13.

The judge also suggested that a lawyer should accompany Ade Yasin at the KPK building. Although it was held online, the judge ensured that there would be no obstacles during the trial process, because the signal network at the KPK Building was quite optimal.

Ade Yasin's attorney, Ronald Pasaribu, said his party wanted Ade Yasin to be in a neutral place during the trial process. Therefore, he also wanted Ade Yasin to be presented directly in the courtroom.

In addition, he considered the online trial would cause obstacles. For example, he said, his party could not directly see the movements of witnesses who would be presented at the upcoming trial.

"Why do we ask to be presented, because with our closeness to the defendant, it will give us flexibility, we can confirm at any time," said Ronald.

Meanwhile, the Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) does not mind if the defendant's detention is moved to Bandung. However, his party cannot guarantee that the defendant can get out of the detention house to be presented at trial.

"Currently there is still no offline trial, the defendant is currently being held at the Polda Metro Jaya, but the trial is at the KPK Office," said KPK Prosecutor Budiman Abdul Karib.

Inactive Bogor Regent Ade Yasin is on trial for alleged bribery of a number of BPK employees. Ade bribed to get the title of Unqualified Opinion (WTP) on the financial statements of the Bogor Regency Government.

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