
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was asked to maximize the role of camat, lurah to RW or RT regarding the plan to change the name of volume 2 of the road in Jakarta.

DKI Jakarta DPRD member Hardiyanto Kenneth assesses the role of officials from the micro level in being able to reach the community and be able to communicate with their residents closely. "For changing street names, Pak Anies should be able to maximize the role of mayors, sub-district heads and lurahs to communicate with their citizens, especially with RW officials. and RT," said Kenneth in his written statement, Tuesday, July 12. According to him, Anies should learn from the previous conditions when the community did not involve the community in the plan to change street names with the names of Betawi figures volume 1. Finally, there was a rejection from some people regarding the policy." If the community is not involved in making a policy that will have a wide impact, yes they will definitely protest and reject it and that's natural," said the member of Commission D. citizens. Thus, the Head of the Pen Agency Disaster Management (Baguna) The DPD PDI Perjuangan DKI Jakarta is confident that the polemic of changing street names will be avoided and the decision-making process at the provincial level will get the full support of the community. problems that will arise in the future," he said. Not only that, the chairman of IKAL PPRA LXII Lemhannas RI also reminded the involvement of legislators. Don't be like before when Anies did not invite the DPRD to discuss the change in the name of the road.

In fact, there are various things that must be discussed between the provincial government and the DPRD, namely the issue of administrative legal aspects of the government as well as cultural, historical and economic studies. "Pak Anies must review the plan to change the name of the second stage of the road. Then if you want to continue the plan, you must involve residents as well as communication with the DKI DPRD," said the member of the DKI DPRD PDIP Faction.

However, he said, DPRD is a representation of the community. "Don't mess with the rules, which will then cause confusion and concern for the residents of DKI," he said. Previously, Anies and his staff had changed 22 street names in the capital to the names of Betawi figures. The change was carried out simultaneously and is planned to be carried out again in the second wave. Anies ensured that the address recorded on the KTP, KK or other land documents will still be valid until the expiration of the validity of the document.

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