
JAKARTA - The chairman of the PAN faction of the DPR, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, responded to the polemic over the distribution of Oilita packaged oil by the General Chair of PAN and the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan at a cheap market event in Telukbetung Timur, Bandar Lampung.

Saleh stated that the Cheap PANsar in Lampung was purely a party activity. Incidentally, he said, at the event, the distribution of cheap cooking oil of Oilita made by the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) was carried out.

"Because this is a party activity, the procurement of cooking oil is done independently. It means that party officials and PAN candidates buy it from distributors. Then, it is distributed to the public for free," Saleh told reporters, Tuesday, July 12.

Saleh continued, this kind of activity should be appreciated. Because his intention to help the community. It also shows that the government is able to lower the price of cooking oil.

"While we know that the issue of cooking oil has caused a lot of trouble for the community, especially women," said the North Sumatran legislator.

The chairman of the PAN DPP explained that Zulhas' presence in the activity was in his capacity as the general chairman of the party. As the general chairman, said Saleh, of course he has the responsibility to explain what is being done.

"In this case, he was given a very short time by the president to handle cooking oil. And Alhamdulillah it worked. Well, that's what he wanted to convey to the public," Saleh explained.

Meanwhile, regarding the campaign for his daughter, who is also the administrator of the PAN DPP and the Lampung 1 PAN Legislative Candidate, Futri Zulya Savitri, according to Saleh, it is only natural for a general chairman to ask the public to vote for candidates from PAN.

"There is a good opportunity to meet with the community. He conveyed about the decline in cooking oil prices. Of course it is not wrong, if at the same time he asked to choose PAN candidates. That way, there will be continuity of the program and struggle for the interests of the community," said Saleh.

Therefore, Saleh asked all parties not to misinterpret this. Because, he said, the purpose of the distribution of Oilita is good.

"Don't even misinterpret it. I see that on social media there are even those who understand it from the wrong angle. But we believe that the wider community understands the message, spirit, and purpose of the activity," he said.

At the same time, continued Saleh, to promote cheap packaged oil as a solution to the scarcity and high price of cooking oil. In fact, this PAN politician invited other party cadres to buy Oilita to be distributed to people in need.

"For the community, whoever the person is, whatever the party, they are also allowed to buy as many oils as possible. We encourage and appreciate it. Moreover, the purchased oils are distributed free of charge to the public. Please contact the distributor. kindness. The spirit that is emphasized is 'Competing in doing good', "said Saleh.

It is known that a video circulated of Zulkifli Hasan and his daughter, Futri Zulya Savitri, distributing Oilita to the local community. The distribution of free cooking oil took place at the PANSAR Cheap event in Telukbetung Timur, Bandar Lampung, on Saturday, July 9.

Oil Kita is a simple packaged bulk cooking oil product launched by the Ministry of Trade on July 6 amid rising prices in the market. Oilita was launched less than a month after Zulkifli was sworn in by President Joko Widodo or Jokowi on June 15.

The price of Oil is pegged at Rp. 14 thousand per liter regardless of its location. However, in this event, the cooking oil is sold at a price of Rp. 10 thousand for 2 liters.

However, on that occasion Zulkifli asked residents who came to buy not to pay, because Futri would pay for the oil.

"Well, you don't need to give the money, just put it in your pocket, pocket it! Rp. 10 thousand is the responsibility of Futri, Futri," said Zulhas in the video that was circulating.

Zulhas even openly asked residents to vote for their children during the next election. "Received from Ms. Futri, applause, ladies, it's free! But do you choose Futri! Okay? So if you choose Futri, then every two months there will be ginian (free cooking oil)," said Zulkifli.

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