
JAKARTA - The police explained the moment before the shooting exchange between Brigadier J or Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat with Bharada E. It turned out that there had been harassment against the wife of the Head of the Propam Police Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. In fact, Brigadier J rebuked the general's wife.

"Brigadier J entered the mother's room to abuse. Mother who was asleep woke up shocked and reprimanded brother J, brother J replied "shut up!" while pulling out a weapon from his waist and pointing the head of the division head, said South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Budhi Susianto to reporters, Tuesday, July 12.

Budhi continued, after pointing a gun, the wife of Inspector General Sambo then shouted until the guards in the house came to the room.

"That's where you panicked, especially when you heard the sound of running footsteps approaching towards the sound of the call for help," he said.

Bharada E who was at the location immediately approached the shouting sound. However, before reaching the room, guards from Inspector General Sambo saw Brigadier J coming out of the general's wife's room.

"I was only half way up the stairs when I saw brother (brigadier) J coming out of the room (Wife of the Head of Division) asking "what's wrong", not answering but shooting him," he explained.

In the shooting incident, 12 bullets came out of Bharada E and Brigadier J's firearms. However, from the TKP and autopsy results, there were 5 bullets fired by Bharada E targeting Brigadier J.

"While the 7 shots fired by (brigadier) J did not hit RE's brother, they only hit the wall or the shooting point," he said

"(Later) the autopsy results we found that there were 7 gunshot wounds in (Brigadier J's body) and 6 exit wounds and one projectile lodged in the chest. This means that 5 bullets were spewed out," he added.

"There was a bullet that hit Brigadier J's finger itself which then penetrated and hit other parts of the body. So it's not because there were cuts," he concluded.

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