
JAKARTA - The Director General (Dirjen) of Regional Administration (Adwil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Safrizal ZA emphasized the sub-district's concrete role in dealing with mouth and nail disease (PMK) outbreaks in livestock.

"The camat's position is always concrete and actual from a regional perspective, both in encouraging the optimization of the use of the sub-district as a house with companions, agricultural extension workers, and carrying out the function of public communication," Safrizal said in his statement in Jakarta Monday.

The function of public communication, he continued, is either direct or through various media to provide education against hoaxes and disinformation about PMK. Forkopimcam) and related regional apparatus are absolutely necessary.

Safrizal explained that the central government, especially the Ministry of Home Affairs, had issued regulations to support the handling of PMK. This is stated in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) Number 32 of 2022 concerning the Handling of PMK in the Regions.

The regulation revokes the previous regulation, namely Inmendagri Number 31 of 2022 concerning Handling of FMD Outbreaks and Preparedness of Sacrificial Animals Ahead of Eid al-Adha 1443 H. 'stakeholders' must work together to deal with PMK,” he said.

He explained that handling outbreaks in various places, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, placed collaboration as the key to successful control efforts.

Therefore, he asked all sub-district heads to intensively coordinate the lurah and village heads in their area in handling PMK. In addition, the sub-district head needs to continue to empower the community to strengthen preparedness in dealing with disasters or extraordinary events.

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