
JAKARTA - CNT (23) an online taxi driver is dealing with the police for taking away a passenger's bag containing Rp10 million in cash along with a passbook and ATM card.

West Jakarta Metro Police Head of Public Relations Kompol Moch Taufik Iksan said the incident occurred on Jalan Mangga Besar VIII, in front of the Red Star Hotel, Tamansari Village, Tamansari District, West Jakarta.

"After receiving a report from the victim, a series of investigations were carried out and managed to apprehend a perpetrator with the initials CNT," said Kompol Taufik, as he is known, Monday, July 11.

The victim's initials AH, a citizen from Papua. The incident occurred on Monday, June 20 at around 15.00 WIB when AH ordered an online taxi to the Pondok Cina area, South Jakarta.

After the victim arrived at a restaurant at around 18.15 WIB, the perpetrator was asked by the victim to wait for him. And the victim promises to pay extra.

Then at around 22.00 WIB, the victim departed from Pondok China, South Jakarta for the Red Star Hotel, Mangga Besar VII.

The victim got off the Grab car and paid the driver's fee along with tips of Rp. 500 thousand. Arriving in front of the Red Star Hotel, around 23.18 WIB, the victim realized that his bag was still left in the Grab car.

The victim tried to contact the online taxi driver and the driver said he would turn at a red light. However, after waiting, the online taxi driver did not return to meet the victim.

"The victim called twice, but he didn't pick up and the perpetrator turned off his cellphone," he said.

The victim then reported the incident to the Tamansari Metro Police.

Metro Tamansari Police Chief AKBP Rohman Yonky Dilatha added that after receiving the report, his party ordered the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of AKP Roland Olaf Ferdinand to make an arrest.

"When the perpetrator was arrested, he did not rebel and confessed all his actions. The items taken were a bag containing IDR 10 million in cash, a savings book and an ATM," said AKBP Rohman Yonky.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 362 of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of 5 years in prison.

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