
JAKARTA - A man with the initials J was arrested by residents for allegedly stealing iron bolts from the reservoir project. It is known that the incident occurred near the house of DKI Governor Anies Baswedan, on Jalan Lebak Bulus 2, Lebak Bulus Village, Cilandak, South Jakarta.

The head of the Cilandak Police, Kompol Multazam, confirmed the incident that occurred in the early hours of Thursday, July 7, yesterday.

"Secured by project security and the community. Then handed over at the Polsek and in the examination stage," said Multazam when confirmed, Friday, July 8.

On that occasion Multazam also explained that the theft was discovered when project security saw the perpetrator carrying iron bolts. At that time, the perpetrator was immediately arrested by local security officers.

"That's what the bolts, big bolts, that's behind West Cilandak, there's a reservoir project, right, so he's trying to get iron. But around the project there are internal security officers," he explained.

Based on the perpetrator's confession, Multazam continued, he was forced to steal iron because of economic needs. Even so, the perpetrators are still undergoing legal proceedings.

"Yes, the motive is definitely to score the bolts, not the bolts that are like in a building shop. This is a big bolt. So the economic motive. (The perpetrator) is now a suspect," he said.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with the theft of 363 of the Criminal Code regarding theft with a maximum weight of 7 years.

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