JAKARTA - Commissioner of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol who is also a supporter of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan, Geisz Chalifah responded to the edited video uploaded by Permadi Arya or Abu Janda on social media. This video contains Anies' statement regarding the edited Quick Response Action (ACT).
Despite criticizing the video, Geisz admitted that he did not want to report Abu Janda on suspicion of spreading hoaxes or defamation to the police. Because, according to him, Abu Janda will not be punished for slander against Anies.
"Why report to the police? There is an unwritten legal convention, all perpetrators of slander against Anies will always be safe," said Geisz when contacted, Friday, July 8.
The legal action of the police against the Anies attacker, based on Geisz's opinion, does not only apply to Abu Janda, but also to other parties who do the same.
"Not only Abu Janda, but anyone in this republic will always be safe and will not be subject to any article, if it is slander against Anies Baswedan, even if it is done in the most barbaric way, it will always be protected," he said.
For information, Abu Janda uploaded a video of Anies related to the edited ACT. In the edited video, Anies' statement was changed to a statement that seemed to mention that ACT was a profit innovation institution.
The statement in this video was immediately denied by members of the Governor's Team for the Acceleration of Development (TGUPP) Tatak Ujiyati. Tatak emphasized that the video was a hoax and was much different from the original.
"There has been a search, this is a hoax. It turns out that it's an edited video. What Anies said is actually very different from the statement in the video posted by Abu Janda," said Tatak.
After the edited video went viral and drew criticism, Abu Janda defended himself. Abu Janda said that Anies' video about ACT that he uploaded was just a complete devil and should not be taken seriously.
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