
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) has issued the latest recommendation regarding Face-to-face Learning. This recommendation follows the current situation related to COVID and other infectious diseases in children. General Chairperson of the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (PP IDAI), Piprim Basarah Yanuarso said the emergence of Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants that are more easily transmitted than the initial variant in children in Indonesia has the potential to cause the next wave of cases. "The latest data shows an increase in COVID-19 cases in infants and children who need treatment. In addition, there is also an increase in cases of Multisystem Inflammatory System in Children (MIS-C) and a potential for Long COVID-19 cases in children in Indonesia,” he explained in an electronic message received by journalists, Jakarta, Thursday, July 7. IDAI also highlights the long holiday season and awareness of complying with declining health protocols. Whereas children also have the same risk as adults to be infected with COVID-19. "Even the potential for complications from MIS-C and Long COVID-19, so prevention is the main thing. We also urge parents not to take their children to crowded places during school holidays, teach capable children and be disciplined in implementing health protocols," he explained. The head of the IDAI COVID Task Force, Yogi Prawira, added that health protocols have proven effective in preventing various infectious diseases, including COVID-19. Good habits formed during the pandemic should be maintained. "In fact, it is further improved in the situation of an increase in cases," he said. IDAI also hopes that the government will increase testing, tracing and treatment and display the latest data on confirmed COVID-19 cases accurately and transparently, including at the age of infants and children. Including the school, the local education office and local government collaborated with parents and the Health Service in ensuring the safety and security of children. The head of the IDAI Immunization Task Force, Hartono Gunardi, reminded parents to take part in the National Children's Immunization Month, namely completing basic immunizations and boosters for toddlers, additional MR immunization and immunization with a new vaccine, namely a pneumokokus (PCV) vaccine that is useful for preventing pneumonia. "Children aged 6 years and over need to immunize COVID-19 twice. So routine immunizations and COVID-19 vaccinations are needed so that children are protected from various infectious diseases," he said.

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