
He explained that the application for the opening of Sipol access was from the Gosip Party, the Bhinneka Indonesia Party, the People's Conscience Party, the Crescent Star Party, the Indonesian People's Party, the People's Party of Justice, the Indonesian Unity Party, the Democratic Party, the Nasdem Party, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle. Then, the Indonesian Solidarity Party, the Justice and Unity Party, the Ummat Party, the Indonesian People's Wave Party, the Nusantara Awakening Party, the Pandu Bangsa Party, the United Development Party, the Republic of Indonesia Party, the Prosperous Justice Party, the Village Awakening Movement Party, the Indonesia Amendment Guard Party.

Next, the Greater Indonesia Movement Party, the National Mandate Party, the Indonesian Daulat State Party, the Labor Party, the Berkarya Party, the National Awakening Party, the Reform Party, the Sovereignty Party, the Republican Party, the Indonesian Student Party.

Furthermore, political parties that apply for the opening of Sipol access are the Pelita Party, the United Nations Party, the People's Party, and the Peace of the Nation.

Komisi Pemilihan Umum RI kata Idham telah meluncurkan Sistem informasi partai politik yang akan digunakan untuk penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Umum 2024 itu pada Jumat 24 Juni 2022.

According to him, the KPU has established Sipol as an assistive tool for the registration and verification of political parties. This police officer is the authority of the Indonesian KPU in accordance with Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning the KPU is given the authority to regulate the implementation of registration and verification of political parties.

The data that must be uploaded to the Sipol application, continued Idham, is the profile of political parties, membership of political parties, management and the permanent office of political parties.

Furthermore, he conveyed that in order to expedite the process of registering the KPU political party with the spirit of serving, he also made help deskatau a service assistance desk that can be accessed by political parties.

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