
JAKARTA - Dozens of sacrificial animals for the Thousand Islands were declared free from mouth and nail disease (FMD). So it can be sent to several destination islands in the area.

"All sacrificial animals are declared good and decent, not exposed to FMD, then their age is also sufficient," said the Head of Food Security, Marine and Agriculture of the Thousand Islands Devi Lidia in North Jakarta, Thursday, July 7, quoted from Antara.

Dozens of these sacrificial animals before being sent to the Thousand Islands have been checked for their condition by a veterinarian from the Indonesian Veterinary Association (PHDI) and a Head of the Livestock and Animal Health Section to check the health of 35 sacrificial animals.

"This is in accordance with the direction of The Deputy Regent of the Thousand Islands Muhammad Fadjar Churniawan that all farm animals before being sent to the 11 populated islands must be checked for health first at the departure dock," he said.

If it has been declared healthy and worthy of sacrifice, it can only be raised onto a ship to be distributed to each island that is the destination.

The 35 sacrificial animals, including 26 goats and nine cows, were sent by traditional boat at Kaliadem Pier to 11 residential islands in the Thousand Islands such as in the South Thousand Islands there are Untung Java Island, Lancang Island, Pari Island, Umbrella Island and Tidung Island.

While in the North Thousand Islands there are Pramuka Island, Hope Island, Kelapa Island, Kelapa Dua Island and Sabira Island.

"We also during slaughter continue to provide assistance so that the sacrifice meets the conditions set by religious rules and health rules," he said.

Devi has coordinated with the persons in charge of slaughter in each region, such as the sub-districts and sub-districts and the administrators of the Indonesian Mosque Council to prepare everything.

"So, during the cutting, we will always accompany the supervision, especially against worms, or maybe infections in the viscera, we will do an examination," said Devi.

After slaughtering the animal will be immediately cleaned using disinfectant liquid to avoid existing diseases.

"We also prepared disinfectants and atomizers for spraying at 14 slaughter sites in 11 islands," he said.


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