
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) revoked the permit for the Collection of Money and Goods (PUB) for Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) in 2022 due to alleged violations of regulations. ACT asked for the revocation of the PUB permit to be canceled. Responding to ACT's objection, the Director of Potential and Social Resources of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Raden Rasman, said that the philanthropic organization could re-propose a new PUB permit. ACT will get a permit if it is able to improve its internal management on the condition that it must comply with the provisions of the laws and regulations. "As long as it fulfills the requirements and mechanisms according to the laws and regulations," said Rasman, Thursday, July 7.

In addition to ACT, Rasman said that his party also routinely calls for information on philanthropic institutions that are deemed not in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

"Everything is the same, there is no difference, the Ministry of Social Affairs carries out the task of granting permission to collect money and goods which is also regulated by laws and regulations," said Rasman.

Rasman explained that screening for PUB organizers with national coverage was carried out in stages. For example, the granting of permits for the ACT Foundation, he said, must obtain approval from the requirements of the DKI Jakarta Province through the DKI Jakarta One Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (DPMPTSP).

"Furthermore, the Ministry of Social Affairs examines and examines the completeness of the requirements according to the laws and regulations," he explained.

If during the PUB collection process there are indications of violations of the provisions of laws and regulations, either from monitoring reports, public complaints, media news, institutions or law enforcement officials, said Rasman, the Ministry of Social Affairs has the right to summon PUB organizers to clarify the complaints/news.

"If a violation is found against the provisions of the legislation, it can be subject to revocation sanctions and an audit will be carried out to ensure that the violation is administrative in nature and/or there is an element of law violation other than administration," said Rasman. Previously, the President of Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), Ibnu Khajar said His party has made a letter and will send it to the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) to request that the revocation of the Money or Goods Collection (PUB) permit be canceled. "We have prepared the letter, tomorrow we will send a letter of request for the cancellation of the revocation of the PUB permit to the ACT Foundation and hopefully the Ministry of Social Affairs will make it easier to issue the cancellation letter for the revocation of the PUB," Ibnu said to reporters at the ACT Office, South Jakarta, Wednesday, July 6.

Ibnu also asked the public not to misunderstand if what was revoked by the Ministry of Social Affairs was in the form of a PUB permit, not revoking the legality of the humanitarian agency. According to him, the revocation of the PUB permit is temporary, which means that when there is an improvement, it is possible for ACT to apply for a PUB permit as well.

"In principle, the PUB permit is once every 3 months, this is temporary, until later improvements are seen, it is very possible that ACT will propose to continue with the PUB permit," he said.

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