
NTT - El Tari Kupang Meteorological Station, Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reports that most of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has the status of being very susceptible to forest and land fires (karhutla).

"There are 19 regions out of 22 regencies/cities throughout NTT with the level of flammability in the top layer of the soil with very easy status," said Head of the BMKG El Tari Kupang Meteorological Station Agung Sudiono Abadi in Kupang, NTT, Thursday, July 7.

He said it was related to the kahutla commemoration in NTT which took effect on July 7, 2022.

Areas that are very prone to forest and land fires are Kupang City, Kupang Regency, South Central Timor, North Central Timor, Belu, Rote Ndao, Sabu Raijua.

In addition, Alor, Lembata, East Flores, Sikka, Ende, Nagekeo, Ngada, West Manggarai, East Sumba, Central Sumba, West Sumba and Southwest Sumba.

Agung explained the condition of grass or leaves that usually cover the forest floor in these areas in a very dry and highly flammable condition.

Thus, when hotspots appear in open areas, there is a high chance of triggering forest and land fires.

He reminded the public not to carry out activities that could lead to hotspots such as clearing agricultural land by burning or throwing cigarette butts carelessly in open areas.

"With the condition of very dry grass or leaves, forest and land fires spread very quickly when there are hotspots that cannot be controlled, therefore they must be avoided," he said.

Agung added that on the other hand, strong wind conditions that are dry in the dry season can also make forest and land fires spread quickly and are difficult to handle.

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