
PASURUAN - The Acting Governor of East Java Emil Elestianto Dardak appealed to breeders to cooperate in reporting the condition of livestock that were indicated to be affected by the Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD) outbreak.

"Don't be afraid of negative stigma, because if it is not treated and vaccinated immediately, the consequences will be more dangerous," he said when he visited the "Anjasmoro" dairy farm in Tutur District, Pasuruan Regency, Wednesday, July 6.

Emil Dardak admits that he understands the fear of farmers who are worried that their livestock will experience a sharp decline in prices if they are sold.

However, Emil Dardak, who is in charge of East Java—because East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa performs this pilgrimage—hopes that there is a need for synergy between farmers so that as early as possible they inform if any livestock are affected.

"Don't think that you will lose if you report later, fearing that the cow will be labeled as sick and the price will be cheaper. Because that doesn't help either and the paramedics will definitely help," he said.

In addition, there are still breeders who are reluctant to have their animals injected with vaccines, it is hoped that this will not happen again because it will make FMD spread more quickly.

"Education is also very necessary from various parties. Do not let any breeders be consumed by rumors that say animals will get sicker if vaccinated," said Emil Dardak.

Regarding the format of assistance, the former Trenggalek Regent explained that the Central Government is currently waiting for the results further.

"For now, we, through the Livestock Service Office, will coordinate and involve business networks that get their milk from here. If all parties care, God willing, this recovery will be good," he said.

At that moment, support facilities and PMK medicines were also provided for the Anjasmoro Breeding Group.

Animal medicine assistance includes disinfectants, analgesics, antihistamines (prodryl), antibiotics (amoxy 15 percent LA), vitamins (fertilizer), injections, 10 cc syringes (100 per box).

Not only that, Emil Dardak who was accompanied by Deputy Chairman of the East Java DPRD Anwar Sadad and Acting Secretary of the Pasuruan Regency Ahmad Khasani also provided 30 food packages for local residents.

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