
YOGYAKARTA - The third or booster dose of COVID-19 vaccination in Yogyakarta City reached 88 percent of the total target of 296,420 people.

"The achievement of primary vaccination, the first and second doses, is already more than 200 percent and for the booster it's already quite high, 88 percent," said Yogyakarta City Mayor Sumadi in Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Wednesday, July 6. .

Sumadi said the city government would continue to accelerate efforts until the booster vaccination coverage reached 100 percent of the target in the city of Yogyakarta.

"Moreover, there is a regulatory plan from the government for various activities that require booster vaccination requirements," he said.

He said that the Yogyakarta City Government would follow the central government's policy regarding the implementation of booster vaccination requirements in carrying out activities in public places.

"Surely we will be in line with the central policy as an effort to control cases," he said.

Although in the last few days there has been an increase in COVID-19 cases in the city of Yogyakarta, Sumadi assesses that the addition of cases is still under control.

"The appeal to the public to always follow the health protocols is still being carried out. It is better to always wear a mask when carrying out activities, including outside the room," he said.

He also appealed to residents to increase vigilance and implement health protocols because the level of crowds increased along with the arrival of many tourists during the school holidays.

Based on city government data, 42 people with COVID-19 are still undergoing quarantine in Yogyakarta City on Tuesday, July 5, after nine new cases were added and one patient was declared cured.

Previously, the Head of the Yogyakarta City Health Office, Emma Rahmi Aryani, said that booster COVID-19 vaccination services would still be provided at health centers and hospitals.

Residents can access these services by registering at the facilities provided by each health service provider.

Emma said that the coverage of booster vaccination in Yogyakarta City was much higher than other districts in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

The coverage of booster vaccination in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is an average of 35.9 percent. The coverage of booster vaccination in Sleman Regency was 37.8 percent; Gunung Kidul 29.3 percent; Kulon Progo 24.7 percent; and Bantul 23.9 percent.

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