
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin and his wife Wury Ma'ruf Amin arrived at the Royal Terminal Medina, Saudi Arabia, to perform the pilgrimage, after a 9-hour flight aboard a Garuda Indonesia Boeing 777-300 ER.

Based on information quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 6, the arrival of the Vice President was greeted by troops of military honors from the Saudi Arabian government.

After a brief chat at the Royal Terminal Medina, the Vice President and his wife continued their trip to the Hilton Medina Hotel.

Then, the Vice President and his limited entourage made preparations to perform the Maghrib prayer, a pilgrimage to the tombs of the Prophet and Raudah and the Isha prayer.

For the next 7 days or so, the Vice President and his wife will carry out the entire series of worship in Medina and Mecca.

The Press, Media and Information Bureau of the Vice President's Secretariat said that in the midst of the hot weather in the country, the Vice President and his entourage continued to maintain stamina and implement strict health protocols in accordance with the rules of the Saudi Arabian government.

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