
NTT - The Ombudsman representing East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) received many reports from ferry passengers regarding the non-cash ticket purchase service at the port of Bolok Kupang prepared by PT. ASDP Ferry Indonesia.

"Yesterday I checked directly at the ticket purchase location and they protested about the ticket purchase service at the ASDP ticket booth," said the Head of the Ombudsman for the NTT region Darius Beda Daton in Kupang, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, July 6.

Darius admitted that the ASDP ferry ticket service has always been a complaint for passengers who want to travel.

"I continue to receive complaints from prospective passengers via telephone, SMS, and WA regarding the complexity of the ASDP ticket service," he added.

He explained that he had often received similar reports since ASDP introduced a non-cash ticket purchase service in 2021.

"At the counter, I directly monitor ticket services with the Brizzi card and talk with prospective passengers about the implementation of the non-cash ticket," he added.

He added that passengers' expectations are still the same, namely that there will be ease of ticket purchasing services similar to Pelni ships and the Ombudsman has made various coordination efforts that are continuously carried out with the Kupang Branch of ASDP in order to resolve the various complaints.

As information for all NTT people that since June 1, 2021, PT ASDP Kupang Branch has implemented a non-cash ticket purchase system using prepaid Brizzi BRI cards, BCA flazz, Mandiri e-money and BNI tapcash specifically at the port of Bolok Kupang, Port of Waibalun in Larantuka, Port Baru Beach in Rote, Kalabahi port in Alor, Waingapu port in East Sumba and Aemere port in Bajawa.

The non-cash service is actually intended to facilitate service to passengers and eliminate illegal levies (extortion) or the possibility of change that is not returned by officers, as so far, prospective passengers have often complained.

Meanwhile, the presence of cooperatives at the port is also an effort to bring top up services closer for those who do not have time to top up outside the port area.

For prepaid cards, for those who haven't had time to buy at cooperative banks, ASDP cooperates with ASDP pensioner cooperatives for sales in the port area and top up with a fee of IDR 30,000 consisting of card fees and admin top up fees charged by the cooperative. .

There is no ticket printing fee charged by ASDP at the counter. Thus, the fees charged other than the ticket price are card fees and admin top up fees. This card will then continue to be used every time you use an ASDP ship and top up the card can be done anywhere through the cooperation bank.

If there is still a balance in the card, it can also be used for shopping at Alfamart. The card that has been top up will have the ticket printed at the port ticket counter. Queues at the port will be broken down if the card top up is done outside the port area, namely at cooperative banks.

Furthermore, Darius said, complaints about the long queues for purchasing tickets at the port were caused by prospective passengers doing card top ups at the port, resulting in two queues, namely the first queue at the card top-up counter and the second queue when printing tickets at the ticket counter.

"Ideally, we hope that first; ticket services can be designed online so that prospective passengers can buy tickets anywhere without having to reprint tickets at the port counter. With this e-ticket, prospective passengers can immediately board the ship and be checked on board," he added.

The second is so that ticket sales outlets can be added in various places, not only in banks but also with other third parties with whom we can cooperate. It's just as easy as when we buy plane tickets or buy electricity tokens.

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