
JAKARTA - The Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, who is also Amirul Hajj of West Java, ensures that the service system for pilgrims from West Java, such as logistics and health, runs optimally, safely and under control.

Through his personal Instagram account @ridwankamil, Kang Emil as he is known, reported that the health services of West Java pilgrims were maximized and that was because of the presence of health clinics in each hotel per sector.

"The service system for pilgrims, especially West Java, has been maximized," Kang Emil wrote, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 6.

"There are health clinics in every hotel per sector. So pilgrims don't have to bang on the doctor's room," he said.

Kang Emil also said that the organizational system for the implementation of the pilgrimage was very complete. That way, he said, any problems experienced by the pilgrims, especially those from West Java, would be handled by a special team.

"Kitchen/catering of Indonesian specialties three times a day so that the congregation feels at home. The rooms are comfortable and clean for three or four," he added.

In addition to ensuring the service system runs optimally, Kang Emil also greeted, encouraged, and prayed for the congregation to stay healthy, focus on worship, and return to Indonesia safely.

"Understanding how difficult it is to get the opportunity to make pilgrimage even though age, funds and body are very ready, therefore I pray that all those who intend, Allah make it easy and fulfill their aspirations to make pilgrimage to the holy land as soon as possible," he said.

Governor Ridwan Kamil, who is also Amirul Hajj West Java, visited the inn for pilgrims from West Java with the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, on Tuesday (5/7) evening local time.

According to him, the visit was aimed at greeting and ensuring pilgrims from West Java received optimal service and carried out the pilgrimage solemnly.

Even though the service has been maximized and the logistics are safe, Kang Emil asked all parties to prepare themselves as well as possible during the peak of the pilgrimage, namely wukuf in Arafah.

Logistics is safe, food is safe, in general the reports are still under control. But, the peak must be careful, while in Arafah. Millions of people will gather," he said.

Kang Emil also asked the pilgrims from West Java to focus on worship in order to return to Indonesia to be a mabrur hajj.

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