
JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, paid a visit to the Fisherman's Village, Cangkol, Cirebon City, West Java. During her visit, Puan was told that fishermen were having a hard time finding diesel stocks for fishing.

In Cangkol fishing village, not all residents work as fishermen. However, the average citizen is middle to lower economic class.

In the village, the chairman of the DPR also visited the houses of residents. One of the houses of the Sutarma family who works as a pedicab driver. The condition of Sutarma's house is quite apprehensive because many of the roofs are damaged so that it leaks badly when it rains.

Puan encouraged the Cirebon local government to pay attention to its citizens like Sutarma.

"We will encourage the regional government to pay attention," said Puan at the location, quoted from a written statement, Monday, July 4.

Hearing this, Sutarma thanked Puan. "Thank you, mother, I am happy to be visited by presidential candidates," said Sutarma.

In addition to visiting people's homes, Puan also had a dialogue with 1,500 fishermen who live in the surrounding area. Puan said, fishermen are elements of the Indonesian people who are very important because they provide benefits to the community.

"Indonesia's extraordinary marine wealth should be able to make fishermen prosperous," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture emphasized that fishermen must have easy facilities and infrastructure to support their work. Because, said Puan, fishermen are one of the heroes for the progress of the nation because they work to provide nutritional intake for the community.

"The DPR RI will continue to fight for fishermen to be more prosperous, which means their income will increase and their burden will decrease," said Puan.

There are several things that are of concern to Mrs. Starting from the problem of ships, diesel fuel, cold storage, to insurance owned by fishermen. He also asked fishermen to convey their aspirations.

Welcoming Puan's offer, a fisherman named Mulyadi represented his friends from the same profession. He conveyed that local fishermen needed a bridge to lean on the boat because the existing bridge had collapsed and was not feasible.

Another difficulty for fishermen is when they want to buy diesel fuel for boats at gas stations. The fishermen have to bring a letter to buy it, and usually diesel stocks run out quickly.

“I like ping pong, ma'am, then there is no diesel. We have accident and death insurance every year for Rp. 150 thousand/year, but paying the premium is difficult. Fishermen also need a handheld GPS to plot their way home. We usually use Garmjn, but many are damaged," said Mulyadi.

Mulyadi hopes that Puan can facilitate the needs of fishermen's infrastructure with the government. He also admitted that he was happy with the visit of the grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno.

“An unforgettable memory can be visited by Ms. Puan. I pray that I will become a presidential candidate and be elected president, pay attention to the fishermen," he added.

The lady then thanked the fishermen for the prayers. He also said he would try to find a solution to the problems faced by fishermen in Cirebon, including the bridge problem. He even immediately asked the chairman of Commission V of the DPR who is in charge of infrastructure affairs to oversee it.

“For the bridge, the City Government coordinates with Mr. Lasarus, the chairman of Commission V. Gas stations around Cangkol must also ensure that they have diesel. God willing, I will try to find a solution for these problems," said Puan.

The chairman of the PDIP DPP also had a chance to talk to the wives of the fishermen. Puan's conversations with the women were fluid.

"All the mothers have bright faces. Beautiful, not dull, even though it's hot like this. What's the recipe, ma'am?," teased Puan, greeted by laughter from the audience.

Not to forget, Puan handed over a number of aids for the fishermen. In addition to basic necessities, the assistance provided included trammel net and gill net fishing gear, boat engines, as well as hundreds of thousands of catfish and tilapia seeds, as well as millions of vanamae shrimp seeds.

“I hope that my arrival will be useful. Ladies and gentlemen, everyone must be healthy, don't forget to get vaccinated, because it's for the health of all," said Puan.

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