
JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that the DKI Provincial Government will evaluate the collaboration with the Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) donation collection agency.

This evaluation was carried out after the allegations of misappropriation of donated funds from the public by ACT officials.

"We will of course evaluate everything to what extent the problem really is. It will be handled with the relevant parties. We have just received this information. We will study and evaluate it later," said Riza at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Monday, July 4.

The DKI Provincial Government is known to often collaborate in distributing social assistance with ACT, such as distributing social assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Large-Scale Social Collaboration (KSBB) program to distributing sacrificial animals.

However, Riza claims that the cooperation between the DKI Provincial Government and ACT has not caused any problems, especially in the transparency of aid distribution.

"So far we have worked together and so far there have been no problems, everything is fine with ACT. However, recently we received information that there are leaders who are considered problematic, of course we will look into the future. Hopefully the implementation will not be as problematic as last year. before," he explained.

As is known, ACT is currently being hit by a slanted issue of alleged misuse of aid funds to facilitate the luxurious life of the institution's leadership. As a result, activists on social media (medsos) Twitter, slashed Aksi Cepat Tanggap to become 'Action Fast Tilep' which was accompanied by public criticism.

Based on a report from Tempo magazine, ACT founder Ahyudin was rumored to have misappropriated public funds for his personal life.

While serving as President of ACT, Ahyudin allegedly earned a salary of Rp. 250 million per month. Meanwhile, for positions below him, such as senior vice president, the salary is Rp. 200 million per month, vice president is Rp. 80 million, and executive director is Rp. 50 million.

Ahyudin while serving as President of ACT was facilitated by three luxury vehicles such as the Toyota Alphard, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport, and Honda CRV. It was also found that ACT funds were used for Ahyudin's personal interests for household purposes.

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