
JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Unit Laka Unit finally found out the cause of the accident that killed a motorist on Jalan Raya Bekasi Timur, East direction near the Immigration Busway stop, Jatinegara, East Jakarta.

According to the Head of Laka Satlantas of the East Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Seno Wibowo, the victim fell because he lost control while driving the motorbike. The cause, the motor lost control because there was a bumpy road in the area.

"It's true, I lost control because there was a bumpy road," said AKP Seno when confirmed by reporters, Monday, July 4.

Meanwhile, an eyewitness, Angga Baihaqi (27) recounted that the incident began when the motorbike driven by R hit a bumpy road. Then the motorbike swayed and the victim was run over by a truck that was driving on the right side.

"The truck's position is on the right, my car is on the left but slightly behind its position. The motorbike overtook through the gap in the middle, it turned out that there was a bumpy road, the motorbike wobbled and went out of control," Angga told reporters on Monday. July 4th.

Angga continued, when shocked and out of control, R's motorcycle bounced to the left right in front of Angga's car. But unfortunately, R bounced to the right so that it suddenly entered under the truck.

"Because he lost control, the motorcyclist was thrown in front of the truck and into the bottom, so he was run over by the left rear tire of the truck," he said.

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