
CIANJUR - The Cianjur Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), West Java, noted that the sea waves on the southern coast of Cianjur were estimated to reach six meters based on the BMKG circular letter, so that it could threaten safety. has conveyed to relevant parties including fishermen not to go to sea for the next few days because it can threaten safety. "Not only fishermen because they are currently on school holidays, we also urge tourists not to approach and swim on the beach because high waves can occur at any time "He was quoted as saying by Antara. The warning letter for high waves from the BMKG, he said, had been submitted to Muspika on the south coast to increase awareness and prohibit residents from carrying out activities along the coast for a while, including forbidding fishermen from going to sea. along the southern coast of Cian Honestly, as of Monday evening, no high waves have been seen, but the anticipation has been carried out by volunteers in coordination with local authorities and a small number of fishermen have landed their boats. . Volunteers report that fishermen's activities are still visible but only looking for fish on the beach," said Rudi. along the coast to carry out monitoring," he said.

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