YOGYAKARTA - Umbulharjo Police, Yogyakarta, arrested the perpetrator of the rape with the initials PQ (23). The perpetrator assaulted the victim while committing the heinous act.
The Head of the Umbulharjo Police, Kompol B. Setyo, said that the perpetrator was arrested on the report of the NSS victim on Saturday, June 25.
The rape occurred when the suspect took the victim for a walk and shopping in Bantul. The victim was then invited by the perpetrator to the Pandeyan Umbulharjo boarding house, Yogyakarta. At the location, the victim was dragged into a room and held captive for 3 hours
"After being in the room, the suspect asked to have sex like husband and wife but was rejected by the victim, making the suspect angry and then threatening the victim using an orange-handled kitchen knife that was prepared by the suspect," said Kompol Setyo, quoted from a written statement, Monday, July 4 .
In addition to threatening the victim, continued Kompol Achmad Setyo, the victim was also hit in the head. The victim was also tied to his hands and feet using a wallet chain. In addition, the victim was also tied using a belt that was brought by the suspect.
The victim had time to fight back so that the victim's hand and leg straps could be released. Then the victim tried to contact one of the victim's friends when the suspect was off guard.
Seeing the victim contacting his friend, the suspect strangled the victim until the victim was helpless and then the suspect raped the NSS victim.
"At around 18.30 WIB, the victim's friend, who was visited by the TKP and assisted by the boarding house guard, broke down the room door and found the victim naked, then the boarding house guard contacted the police station and secured the suspect and took the victim to the hospital for an examination. with a penalty of 12 years in prison.
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