
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has corrected the statement regarding the confiscation of Roy Suryo's @KRMTRoySuryo2 account. Because the confiscated account actually belongs to the reporting party.

"That's a mistake, it's not Roy Suryo's account," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan when contacted, Monday, July 4.

According to Zulpan, in handling the case of the Borobudur Temple stupa that resembled President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), investigators actually confiscated Kurniawan Santoso's account. He is the reporting party in the case.

"What was confiscated was the reporting account, Kurniawan Santoso. His social media account was him," he said.

The confiscation was carried out in order to prove that the former Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) had uploaded the meme of the stupa.

"Because he reported, as a reporter, there is a note that Roy Suryo tweeted," said Zulpan.

For information, previously, Zulpan had stated that investigators had confiscated Roy Suryo's Twitter account @KRMTroysuryo2.

"It was confiscated, which he used to upload it. What was the name of the account yesterday that I mentioned @KRMTroysuryo9," he said.

Roy Suryo, who was confirmed about the account confiscation, immediately denied it. He said that until now the accounts that are often used to write criticisms of the government still exist or have not been confiscated. "Hoax (account confiscation, ed)," said Roy Suryo. . Roy is 100 percent sure his Twitter account is still there and still active. "Yeah, it's okay, I just smile. What's clear is that my account still exists," he said.

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