
GRESIK - The Honorary Board (BK) of the Gresik Regency DPRD has scheduled a summons for the inactive BK Chairman Muhammad Nasir on Wednesday, July 6. The goal was to ask M. Nasir for information, after the BK had previously listened to the complainants from the Gresik Concerned Community Alliance (AMPG).

"After hearing the complaint from the complainant, we will summon the complainant for questioning on July 6," said Mega Bagus, a member of the BK DPRD for Gresik, confirmed, Friday, July 1.

Furthermore, the BK will conduct a study of the evidence submitted by the complainants. And will be synchronized with the information submitted teradu. "We discussed it internally first. Was there really an ethical violation committed by the members," he said.

After that, the BK will make a decision related to the case of marriage between humans and goats. The results will be submitted to the board of directors.

"We will continue to be open regarding the trial process of this case. So that the public can directly monitor it," he said.

The Gresik Police have named four suspects for alleged blasphemy in the viral video of human marriage with sheep in Gresik. One of the suspects is a member of the Gresik DPRD, F-NasDem, who serves as the Chair of the Honorary Body (BK) of the Gresik DPRD.

The four suspects are Arif Syaifullah (AS) as the content owner, Syaiful Arif (SA) playing Satria Piningit, Sutrisna (S) playing the headmaster, and Nur Hudi (N) owner of the Ki Ageng Sacred Padepokan which is located in Jogodalu Village, Benjeng District, Gresik.

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