Professor Of Pharmacy UGM: Medical Marijuana Can Be An Alternative Medicine But Not The Main Choice


JAKARTA - Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Expert of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy UGM, Prof. apt. Zullies Ikawati, Ph.D., said that medical marijuana could be an alternative medicine if the previous treatment did not give a good response, so the use of medical marijuana had not become the main choice.

"The urgency of medical marijuana in the medical world is not really big, it's more about providing alternative drugs, especially if the existing drugs don't give the desired effect," said Zullies, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 1.

"However, to declare that other drugs are ineffective, of course there is a procedure, by conducting accurate examinations and using adequate drugs. If nothing really works, then medical marijuana can be used, and even then, it must be in the form of drugs that have been approved. clinically tested, so the dosage and how to use it is clear," he added.

He said there are other drugs that can be used, not just medical marijuana. Zullies emphasized that the position of medical marijuana is actually an alternative to other drugs, if it does not provide a good response.

"What needs to be straightened out about medical marijuana is that it's not the entire cannabis plant, but only certain active components that have pharmacological/therapeutic activities," said Zullies.

For information, marijuana contains cannabinoid compounds which consist of various other compounds. The main one is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is psychoactive.

Another compound is cannabidiol (CBD) which has pharmacological activity, but is not psychoactive. CBD has an effect, one of which is anti-seizure, which is one of the effects of treatment for cerebral palsy that is being discussed recently.

When asked from a regulatory perspective, Zullies thought it could refer to morphine compounds, for example, which are also derived from opium/opiate plants.

"Morphine is a legal drug, it can be prescribed for indications of certain diseases that cannot be treated with other drugs, such as cancer pain. Of course with strict supervision and distribution. to be abused," said Zullies.

So, he continued, the same with marijuana, the same thing can also be treated like that.

"For this reason, it is necessary to regulate policies for the use of drugs derived from marijuana, especially if they have followed the rules of research and drug discovery, until the drugs are registered with BPOM. Meanwhile, the marijuana plant cannot be legal, because it has the potential to be misused," explained Zullies.

According to him, medical marijuana is not the use of marijuana for therapeutic reasons, but a drug derived from the active components of marijuana.

"This is a different matter, because when it is in its pure form, the dose can be determined, and it can be separated from psychoactive compounds (which cause dependence). An example of medical marijuana is cannabidiol. This drug has been developed and has even been approved by the FDA as an anti-inflammatory drug. seizures," said Zullies.

According to him, as long as the development and use of medical marijuana is still within the scientific corridor, supported by clinical evidence, and has considered the benefits and risks (risks and benefits), then this alternative can only be useful.

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