
GRESIK - Four people have been named as suspects related to the content of human marriages with goats, which had gone viral in Gresik Regency. Of these four suspects, one person is the Chairperson of the Gresik DPRD Honorary Board (BK) from the NasDem Party.

"For this DPRD member to be a suspect, because he is cute and involved in the case," said Gresik Police Chief, AKBP Mochamad Nur Aziz, confirmed, Friday, July 1.

Aziz said the four suspects each had the initials SA, N, AS, and S. They were named suspects in a blasphemy case, for creating the content of marriage between humans and goats using an Islamic law procession.

The four suspects have their respective roles. Namely, N as a member of the DPRD acts as the owner of the hermitage, which is used as a place for human marriages with goats. That is, N participated or was involved in the creation of the content.

Meanwhile, the role of the other three suspects, namely SA as the groom, AS as the originator of the content and S acts as the head of the ceremony. For the three suspects with the initials N, SA, and S, they are charged with Article 156a of the Criminal Code which reads that they are sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of five years whoever intentionally publicly expresses feelings or commits the following actions: a. which are essentially enmity, abuse or blasphemy against a religion professed in Indonesia; b. with the intention that people do not adhere to any religion, which is based on the belief in the One Godhead.

Meanwhile, the US suspect as the content owner is subject to a more severe article, namely Article 45a Paragraph 2 of the ITE Law Juncto Article 156a of the Criminal Code on Blasphemy of Religion. The threat of imprisonment is six years and or a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion.

"This suspect was determined after we received complaints from the public. Then we went up to reporting and investigating. Then we held a case and examined 21 witnesses plus three witnesses who were experts on religion, IT and symbolic language," he said.

Gresik Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head, Iptu Wahyu Rizki Saputro, said that the four suspects had not yet been arrested. However, this case is still in the process of handling the suspect determination stage. "Later we will do the summons first. The first summons, the second and so on. Regarding the potential for additional suspects, we are still carrying out further development," he said.

The Gresik MUI previously issued a fatwa for the suspects committing blasphemy in the marriage of Satrio Piningit, played by Saiful Arif, with a female goat named Sri Rahayu. Those who were presented even repented directly in front of the elderly kiai.

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