
JAKARTA - Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian said his country expressed serious concern and firm protest at the new NATO Strategic Concept, which was approved by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance.

"The so-called new NATO Strategic Concept ignores facts, distorts the truth, vilifies China's foreign policy, makes irresponsible remarks about China's natural military development and national defense policy, promotes confrontation and conflict, is filled with Cold War mentality and ideological prejudice, " he said in a regular press statement, quoted from TASS July 1.

"China expresses serious concern and resolute protest over this," the diplomat emphasized.

He further underlined, China always strives for global peace, defends the international order and facilitates global development.

He stressed that China has never invaded any country and has never joined or formed any military bloc. The diplomat noted that China has always followed the path of peaceful development.

Furthermore, Zhao said NATO itself is a systematic challenge to global peace and stability.

"NATO itself is a systemic challenge to global peace and stability. The US-led organization, while positioning itself as a defensive bloc, has sought to advance into new areas and domains," he explained, adding "NATO has the blood of the global population on its hands."

"We would like to state publicly that NATO is exaggerating and inflating the so-called Chinese threat and this is a completely futile effort," he said.

Zhao Lijian urged the military bloc to immediately stop its baseless criticism and provocative remarks against China, refrain from Cold War ideology and the concept of zero-sum games.

It is understood NATO leaders approved the new Strategic Concept of the alliance at the Madrid Summit on Wednesday, noting Russia as the most significant and direct threat to Allied security.

In addition, the new Strategic Concept mentions China for the first time in NATO history. While not seen as a direct military adversary, China is described as a systemic challenge.

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