
JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has warned witnesses to provide evidence in accordance with the facts in the bribery trial for the approval of the 2021 National Economic Recovery (PEN) fund proposal for the East Kolaka Regency Government, Southeast Sulawesi.

The trial with the accused, former Director General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mochamad Ardian Noervianto, was held at the Corruption Court, Thursday, June 30, led by Chief Justice Suparman Nyompa.

The witnesses who were presented were the Head of the Sub-directorate (Kasubdit) of Regional Loans and Regional Bonds of the Ministry of Home Affairs Yuniar Dyah Prananingrum, the First Expert Policy Analyst of the Ministry of Home Affairs Irman Nurhalim, and the Head of Subdivision (Head of Subdivision) Administration of the General Section Leader of the Directorate General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs Rinda Riztiyani .

Other witnesses were the Head of Sub-Directorate for Financing and Regional Arrangement, Directorate General of Fiscal Balance, Ministry of Finance, Dudi Hermawan, and Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) and East Kolaka Research and Development Agency Mustakim Darwis.

"Was there pressure to testify today?" asked the prosecutor to the second witness quoted by ANTARA.

"Nothing," said Irman Nurhalim.

"Don't be afraid, to be honest," said the prosecutor again.

The prosecutor said that in the examination report (BAP), the witness had also received a warning not to give false or false information that could lead the witness to fall.

"We have other witnesses. However, we also need to hear from witnesses honestly," said the prosecutor.

Head of the East Kolaka Bappeda and R&D for the 2016-2021 period, Mustakim Darwis, told the prosecutor that the Head of the Munda Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency, Sukarman Loka, had asked him for operational money in Kendari.

Irman refused and directed Sukarman to the inactive East Kolaka Regent Andi Merya Nur.

"Pak Sukarman asked to be helped to buy tickets and hotels because he has helped the East Kalimantan PEN process by giving instructions and bringing the PEN proposal document to Jakarta," said Irman.

"The requested money was given or not?" asked the prosecutor.

"The money was given on the same day, IDR 50 million for a ticket with a hotel was given by the Regent after taking the money from his house, then leaving it to my driver, then the driver told me," replied Irman.

The five witnesses testified for the two defendants, namely the former Director General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs Mochamad Ardian Noervianto and the former Head of the Muna Regency Environment Agency, Laode M. Syukur Akbar.

Ardian and Laode were charged with accepting bribes of Rp. 2.4 billion for the smooth management of the 2021 PEN funds from the East Kolaka Regency.

The bribe money was given by the inactive East Kolaka Regent Andi Merya Nur and businessman LM Rusdianto Emba.

Ardian and Laode were charged with Article 12 letter a or Article 11 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code jo. Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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