
JAKARTA - As many as 10 people with disabilities were involved in painting the Padang City Hall Building in Air Pacah. This is proof that the city government provides access to jobs for all parties.

"The involvement of the deaf is a form of our gratitude and efforts to provide attention and opportunities for people with disabilities to work," said the Mayor of Padang, Hendri Septa, Thursday 30 June.

Painting the Padang City Hall to change the color of the walls from white to beige. As many as 10 of the total builders are deaf.

Head of the Padang City Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency (DPUPR), Tri Hadiyanto, said 10 people with disabilities had been working since the end of last May.

"Their work results are quite satisfying, even their patience and tenacity in working are quite good," he said.

The 10 deaf workers painted the entire three-story building and are currently finishing the facade and interior of the building.

Mahfud, who is the supervisor of the work, said that the painting is targeted to be completed in two months.

"All workers start work from 08.00 WIB to 17.00 WIB and all of our workers are equipped with good work safety standards, such as helmets and others," he said.

Although he supervises 10 deaf workers, he admits that he does not experience any significant problems in coordinating and communicating.

In fact, Mahfud has appointed an elder in the work team.

"The tip is to appoint Ari as the elder, when there is something that must be conveyed to all workers, we immediately convey it to Ari," he said.

He said that even though they were disabled, all of them were able to read well.

When there is something that must be conveyed to all workers, Mahfud also conveys it through the Whatsapp messenger application.

"All obstacles have been resolved," he said.

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