
JAYAPURA - The Yalimo Police arrested the perpetrators of the smuggling of firearms of the FN type along with 615 rounds of ammunition in Yalimo Regency, Papua, for the Armed Criminal Group (KKB). The perpetrator is an ASN in Nduga Regency.

The Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, explained that the arrest was initiated by members of the Yalimo Police who suspected someone with a motorbike.

Yalimo Police personnel then conducted a raid on motorized vehicles passing from Jayapura to Wamena in the vicinity of the Yalimo post.

"Then the member who was carrying out the raid saw a two-wheeled vehicle without a registration number belonging to the perpetrator. After that, members immediately directed the perpetrators to the Yalimo Post for examination," said Kombes Kamal in a written statement, Thursday, June 30.

When the personnel wanted to conduct an examination, the perpetrator refused. Police are still investigating the culprit.

"After examining the perpetrator with the initials AN, the members managed to find 2 black 5 liter jerry cans containing hundreds of sharp ammunition and also found a firearm of the FN type pistol which was also filled in a jerikeen as well as 2 magazines of ammunition of the V2 sabhara type and the SS1 type of magazine," said Kombes Kamal.

From the hands of the AN actor who worked as a civil servant in Nduga Regency, other evidence was secured.

"The types of ammunition that were secured were MK3 with 379 rounds, Moser with 2 rounds, AK with 3 points, SS1 with 158 rounds, revolver with 10 rounds, Us carabine with 52 rounds and V2 with 11 rounds for a total of 615 rounds of sharp ammunition. , said Kombes Kamal.

From the initial statement, the perpetrator said that the ammunition and firearms would be handed over to the Nduga KKB led by Egianus Kogoya. The delivery is planned to be carried out by courier and messenger Egianus Kogoya in Napua District, Jayawijaya.

"Currently, our suspect has been detained at the Wamena Police for further investigation," said Kombes Kamal.

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