
JAKARTA - The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia will hold the 26th Plenary Session of Session V for the 2021-2022 Session Year with several discussion agendas. One of them is the ratification of the Mother and Child Bill (RUU KIA) as a DPR initiative bill.

In this MCH Bill, one of the things that the DPR is pushing for is related to maternity leave for working mothers for 6 months. The DPR also initiated 40 days of paternity leave to accompany his wife who had just given birth. "The MCH Bill will be a guideline for the state to ensure that the children of the nation's next generation have good growth and development so that they become superior human resources (HR)," said DPR chairman Puan Maharani told reporters on Thursday, June 30. In addition to 6 months leave, the MCH Bill also regulates the provision of daycare facilities in public facilities and workplaces. The MCH Bill is also one of the efforts to overcome the stunting problem in Indonesia.

Before making the decision on the MCH Bill as a DPR initiative bill, the Plenary Meeting will hear the opinions of the factions on this bill.

The chairman of the DPR hopes that the government will immediately respond after the MCH Bill is passed as a DPR initiative bill so that the discussion process can be carried out immediately. “Through this bill, we want to ensure that every mother and child's rights can be fulfilled. This includes the right to health services, the right to special facilities and infrastructure in public facilities, to the certainty that mothers will continue to be employed after giving birth,” explained Puan. In addition to making the decision on the MCH Bill as an initiative of the DPR, today's DPR Plenary Meeting also scheduled a level II discussion or decision making regarding the Bill on the Provinces of West Sumatra (Sumbar), Riau, Jambi, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Then the DPR will also ratify the Bill on the Establishment of the Provinces of South Papua, Central Papua, and Papua Mountains (RUU DOB Papua). Furthermore, the submission of the DPR Banggar report on the preliminary discussion of the 2023 RAPBN. The Council will also hear the submission of the Government's statement on the Bill on accountability for the implementation of the 2021 State Budget for Fiscal Year.

Followed by the report of Commission III of the DPR on the results of the discussion of Candidates for Supreme Court Justices and Candidates for Ad hoc Judges on Corruption at the Supreme Court in 2021/2022.

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