
PADANG - The Padang District Attorney, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), has finally transferred the case of alleged corruption in the Padang Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) grant funds to the court.

The transfer of the case, which is alleged to have cost the state Rp3.1 billion, was carried out directly by the Prosecutor and the Padang District Attorney's Special Crime Section team to the Padang Corruption Court today.

"Today, we have transferred the case of alleged corruption in the KONI grant funds to the court for immediate trial," said Padang Attorney General Ranu Subroto, accompanied by the Padang Attorney's Special Criminal Section, Therry Gutama, in Antara, Wednesday, June 23.

He said after the delegation, his party was waiting for a decision from the court to determine the schedule for the inaugural trial, as well as the panel of judges appointed to hear the case.

"In addition, we are also preparing evidence and witnesses who will be presented later in court, for the sake of proof at trial," he explained.

Meanwhile, Therry said that his side had prepared two indictments for the three people who were charged as suspects in the alleged corruption case.

The three suspects are the chairman of KONI for the 2018-2020 period with the initials AS, the Deputy Chair of KONI DV, and the Deputy Treasurer of KONI Nz who has now been detained at the Anak Air Padang State Detention Center.

The former chairman of KONI Padang AS was processed in a separate indictment, while the Deputy Chairman of KONI DV and Deputy Treasurer of one KONI Nz were in the same file.

"The separation of files is carried out to facilitate evidence at trial, because the roles of the suspects vary according to their respective positions," he said.

The suspects were charged with Articles 2, 3, and 9, Juncto 15, Jo 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, Juncto (Jo) of Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

Previously, the case was an alleged misappropriation of the Padang KONI Grant funds for the 2018 to 2020 fiscal year, based on the results of the audit it was revealed that the case had cost the state up to IDR 3.1 billion.

Therry revealed that throughout the investigation process the Padang Attorney General's Office had examined more than 60 witnesses from the background of the Padang KONI management, sports branch administrators, and ASN at the local Youth and Sports Service. The Padang Attorney General's Office has also confiscated more than 200 documents as evidence.

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