
JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives from the Gerindra faction, Drg Putih Sari, warned that the use of medical marijuana must be closely monitored if it is later legalized. This strict supervision is needed so that it is not misused by irresponsible parties. "Even if it is legalized, it must be ensured that its use will be closely monitored so that it is not misused, so that it is purely for medical purposes," said drg Putih Sari to VOI, Wednesday, June 29. White admitted, the use of marijuana as a medical ingredient has indeed become part of medical practice in a number of countries. In fact, he said, many patients had received such a prescription. It's just that, continued White, in Indonesia itself there are still clashes with the Narcotics Law which has not legalized marijuana for treatment. "Therefore, a more in-depth study is needed by inviting relevant experts to examine the benefits and harms more deeply," said White.

Regarding alternatives to marijuana, the legislator who graduated from Trisakti Medical University admitted that he did not understand whether there were ingredients that contained and had the same benefits as marijuana or not. In this case for the treatment of certain diseases.

"I don't understand what marijuana contains in other drugs," said Putih.

Therefore, he once again reminded Commission IX of the House of Representatives to first listen to expert input regarding the use of medical marijuana. Even so, he said, until now there has been no scheduling of meetings related to this in his commission.

"It looks like there will be a (meeting), but until now there is no agenda. Maybe yes (waiting for the RDP of Commission III of the DPR)," concluded Putih Sari. Previously, Member of Commission IX of the DPR, Dr. Suir Syam, said that in principle he agreed that the active substance in the cannabis sativa plant or marijuana was used for the treatment of certain diseases. However, Dr. Suir Syam considered that there was a need for research on other ingredients with the same benefits to replace marijuana as a drug. According to him, other alternative materials are needed so that the use of medical marijuana is not misused. "If the active substance in marijuana is the only one for medicine, I agree. But if there is a substitute, you should not, because it can be misused," said Dr. Suir Syam when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, June 29.

The Gerindra legislator who had practiced at the Achmad Mochtar Hospital said that his party was still studying whether there were other ingredients that were as beneficial as marijuana for the treatment of certain diseases, such as cerebral palsy.

"That's what we are studying," said Dr. Suir Syam.

For information, the DPR RI stated that it would review the legality of using marijuana for medical purposes. Commission III of the DPR has even scheduled an RDP to ask for input and health experts to regulate medical marijuana. Meanwhile, Commission IX of the DPR is assigned by the leadership of the DPR to coordinate with the Ministry of Health and experts in the field of medicine.

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