
BANTUL - Deputy Regent of Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Joko Purnomo appreciated the central government and district government for being quick and responsive in anticipating the spread of mouth and nail disease (FMD) in livestock. responsive to make movements quickly, not only curing the affected, but anticipating by carrying out vaccination activities," he said at the launch of the PMK vaccination in Poncosari Village, Srandakan, Bantul, Wednesday 29 June. also received an allocation of 300 doses of PMK vaccine from the central government, and the first vaccination started today in the green zone sub-district area for PMK cases. more tails, but around 2,242 were hit, and the help that Therefore, he hopes that the distribution of PMK vaccine from the government for the second period will be given so that Bantul Regency also gets priority, not only for dairy cattle, but for beef cattle with a larger population. .

"Bantul is prioritized because it is according to what the Head of Service said, Bantul is a downstream area, so it is very appropriate if it also gets special attention, thanks to the Indonesian government, the Ministry of Agriculture and the ranks," he said. Bantul has also been attempted by the Bantul Food and Agriculture Security Service through a puskeswan veterinarian who proactively went to the field to treat and spray disinfectants into group cages. Bantul hasn't caught the PMK virus yet, we'll go downstairs, see it in person, move quickly and take action to anticipate links to PMK," he said. , to be free from disease, and if exposed to a virus to immediately Meanwhile, Head of the Bantul Agriculture and Food Security Agency, Joko Waluyo, said that there were 2,242 cases of FMD in livestock in Bantul, spread across several sub-districts, and the largest in the eastern Bantul region. "From the 2,242 cases of PMK, we have six sub-districts with red zones, namely Pleret, Piyungan, Banguntapan, Jetis, Pundong and Kretek, so East Bantul is red," he said.

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