
SUKABUMI - The Daily Executive (Plh) of the Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Sukabumi Regency, Ramdhani Yulianti, said that to eradicate illicit trafficking and drug abuse, all elements needed to be involved.

"Eradicating drugs is not only the task of the National Narcotics Agency, the National Police and the government, but everyone must be involved, be it the community, communities, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, business entities and other stakeholders," said Ramdhani in Sukabumi on Tuesday, June 28.

The distribution of drugs in Sukabumi is already concerning, even the users and dealers come from various circles, he said, ranging from the general public, students, state civil servants (ASN) to educators (teachers).

Ramdhani gave an example, such as the disclosure of drug cases carried out by the police in Sukabumi where there were ASN and teachers who were addicted to methamphetamine and marijuana.

In addition, he continued, various modes were used by the dealers to circulate the illicit goods, ranging from direct meeting between the courier and the buyer, then the patch method in which the dealers stored the drugs ordered by their customers in one place and so on.

Therefore, Ramdhani said, to combat and prevent its circulation, the involvement of all parties is needed, especially the public who can provide information if they suspect drug transactions or abuse.

In accordance with the theme of the commemoration of the International Anti-Narcotics Day (HANI) "Fast Work, Great Work in Combating Drugs in Indonesia", his party invites all elements of society to jointly fight drug trafficking and narrow the dark space for the perpetrators.

The Sukabumi Regency BNN has also prepared a reward or award for anti-drug activists to make the City and Sukabumi Regency clean of drugs. "Drug trafficking can damage all aspects of life. In addition, both dealers and users are not only threatened with imprisonment, but also threaten their safety because not a few addicts die from overdose," he said.

On the other hand, Rhamdani said that the award for anti-drug activists was to provide motivation. Then for prevention, BNN is not only limited to making arrests, but also focuses on socializing the dangers of drugs to all levels of society.

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