
JAKARTA - The Central Executive Board (DPP) of the National Mandate Party (PAN) has appointed Yandri Susanto as Deputy Chair of the RI MPR from the PAN faction to replace Zulkifli Hasan, who was appointed Minister of Trade (Mendag) since June 15.

Currently Yandri serves as Chairman of Commission VIII of the DPR, one of which is in charge of religion.

Regarding this matter, the Secretary General of PAN Eddy Soeparno stated that he had instructed the MPR PAN faction to immediately submit a Decree (SK) to replace Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) to MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo.

"It has been decided that Yandri Susanto will become the Deputy Chair of the MPR RI, and because of the PAN MPR faction, we have instructed us to submit a decree to the Chairman of the MPR RI," said Eddy to reporters, Tuesday, June 28.

According to Eddy, the position of MPR leader from the PAN faction must be filled immediately so that he can immediately carry out his duties and functions. Representing the DPP PAN, Eddy also congratulated Yandri and hoped that he would be successful and trusted while serving as Deputy Chair of the MPR.

"DPP PAN congratulates my brother Yandri Susanto for success and trust in carrying out his national duties as Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI," said Eddy.

The appointment of Yandri Susanto as a replacement for Zulhas in the leadership of the MPR was also confirmed by the Vice-Chancellor of PAN, Viva Yoga Mauladi. Viva said the PAN DPP had appointed Yandri Susanto as Zulhas' replacement.

"This decision was taken by consensus at the DPP PAN daily meeting, not using voting," said Viva when contacted, Tuesday, June 28.

For PAN, Viva said, the question of the position of cadres and members of the PAN faction in the DPR/MPR is about the division of tasks, roles and work for the party. Especially for the benefit of society.

"Mas Yandri can carry out his duties and functions as the leader of the MPR as a unifying institution for the nation, safeguarding the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and maintaining the ideology of Indonesian nationality," he hoped.

Viva added that today the letter from the PAN DPP will be handed over to the MPR PAN Faction Chairperson, John Erizal, to the MPR leadership.

"Today it will be handed over by the chairman of the PAN MPR faction to the leadership of the MPR RI," he concluded.

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