
JAKARTA - Demonstration of the National Alliance for Penal Code Reform in the DPR RI area, Polda Metro Calls Mass Estimates

A number of student groups on behalf of the National Alliance for Penal Code Reform will hold a demonstration in the area of the DPR RI Building, this afternoon. Polda Metro Jaya said the number of people was predicted to reach 500 people.

"(The number of people, red) is 500 people," said Director of Intelkam Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hirbakh Wahyu Setiawan when confirmed, Tuesday, June 28.

The mass estimation is based on a notice of action sent by the National Criminal Code Reform Alliance to Polda Metro Jaya.

Then, even this demonstration will highlight the articles that are considered problematic in the RKUHP. Some of them are capital punishment, contempt of court, assault on the dignity of the president

Then, the articles regarding abortion, hate speech, cohabitation, punishment for demonstrations without notification, to insults to the authorities.

"There is already a notification letter," said Hirbakh.

For information, this demonstration will start at 11.00 WIB. This demonstration is a follow-up action that was previously held in the Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta, on June 21.

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