
PAMEKASAN - Chairman of the Syuro Council of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Habib Salim Segaf Al Jufri, invites scholars, kiai, habibs, and all elements of society on the island of Madura, East Java to join hands to defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). ).

"Indonesia, which we love, will continue to be good if each citizen from various elements cares not only for his own destiny, but also for his nation," said Habib Salim on the sidelines of an istighatsah event at the Daarut Tauhid Al Islami Palpetto Islamic Boarding School, Plakpak Village, Pengantenan District, Pamekasan Regency, East Java, reported by Antara, Monday, June 27.

To be able to defend the country within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Habib Salim asked to learn from the ants.

He then cites the story of the ants who at one time met with Prophet Solomon and his army which is told in the Qur'an Surah An Naml, the 27th verse 18th.

When the ant met with Prophet Solomon's troops, he continued, an ant shouted reminded other ants to go into hiding for fear of being stepped on because of Prophet Solomon's ignorance.

"We have to learn from an ant. He does not only think about himself but thinks about his flock. He even specializes in Prophet Sulaiman not knowing," said Habib Salim.

According to him, Indonesia will continue to be good if all citizens from various elements care not only for their own destiny, but also for the nation and country in which they live.

"Change cannot happen by itself, because Allah will not change the fate of a people until the people try to change it," he said.

To change the situation for the better, he also emphasized the importance of helping each other or helping each other, so that in the end, togetherness was created.

Because, according to him, togetherness will strengthen and is the key to success and victory.

"Our hands can lift tens of kilograms. But if the hands are removed from the body, it means nothing. Because it is the body that supports and makes it strong," he said, explaining the nature and example of togetherness that needs to be done in strengthening Indonesia in the future.

He also invited scholars, kiai and Islamic boarding schools to actively participate in thinking about the nation. The struggle to defend the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, according to him, can be realized when each performs its role properly.

"There are those who are fighting in the DPR, Provincial DRPD, or districts/cities. There are also those who are fighting in the executive to become the head of state. If the spirit is the same, to defend the country, Indonesia will become baldatun toyyibatun wa robbun ghofur," he said.

At the end of his remarks, the chairman of the PKS Syuro Council also explained about the political party he currently leads, namely PKS.

According to him, PKS is a political party that belongs to all, namely the people and the ulama and as a forum for struggle in defending truth and justice.

"And through this PKS, we can also work hand in hand to build this nation together. In our country there is a budget that must be continuously monitored so that it reaches the people," said the former social minister in the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

A number of figures and scholars from a number of Islamic boarding schools were also seen attending the istighatsah event. Among others, KH Alawi, KH Fahrur, KH Abdu Latub, KH Abdul Majid, Habib Faisol, KH Sirajuddin, KH Abdul Aziz, KH. Umar and several other kiai and habibs.

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