
LEBAK - The number of patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Lebak Regency, Banten Province from January to 27 June 2022 reached 300 people. Of these cases, four people were declared dead.

"We ask the public to optimize the Mosquito Nest Eradication (PSN) and Closing, Burying and Draining (3M) movements to prevent the spread of dengue fever," said Head of the Communicable Disease Prevention and Environmental Health Division of the Lebak Regency Health Office, Dr Firman Rahmatullah in Lebak, Antara, Monday. , June 27.

So far, there has been a fairly high spike of up to 300 people. Cases are spread across 23 sub-districts. Firman said, the spike in disease transmission was due to the arrival of the rainy season. The community is obliged to maintain a clean environment so as not to breed the Aedes aegypti mosquito population.

In addition, if there are symptoms of fever and skin rashes appear, then immediately rushed to the health center or hospital. "We ask residents if the fever lasts more than three days to seek treatment immediately so it doesn't cause death," he said.

He invites the public to carry out PSN and 3M movements, because they are considered more effective than fogging which only kills adult mosquitoes.

This is because the PSN and 3M movements can break the DHF chain, because the mosquito larvae die so that the Aedes aegypti mosquito population does not breed.

In addition, the community spreads abate into baths so that the mosquito population dies.

"We believe the PSN and 3M movements can prevent the spread of dengue," he said.

The head of the Rangkasbitung Health Center, Lebak Regency, Yangyang said that of the 300 dengue fever sufferers, most of them were Rangkasbitung residents, because of the dense population there is also a bad environment that breeds dengue mosquitoes.

He asked the public to optimize the PSN and 3M movements to stop the spread of the deadly disease.

So far, his party does not have the authority to do fogging, because it is carried out by the local Health Office.

The fumigation was based on a report by an epidemiologist after conducting field observations of positive cases of dengue fever spreading in a village where there were also mosquito spots.

The fumigation activity is not arbitrary because it contains pesticides, so there must be a recommendation from the epidemiologist.

"We are working hard to prevent dengue fever from spreading to attack residents," he added.

Meanwhile, the Camat of Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency, Yadi Basari Gunawan, instructed sub-district and village officials to cultivate a culture of mutual cooperation to clean the environment so as to break the chain of dengue transmission.

"We hope that every week residents carry out environmental hygiene to prevent dengue fever," he said.

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