
JAKARTA - Ukraine is considered not to be a member of the European Union (EU) in the near future according to a senior Russian official, due to social conditions and economic conditions, even though Kyiv has already obtained candidate status.

That was said by the chairman of the Council of the Russian Federation or upper house of parliament Valentina Matviyenko on Sunday. Last week, the European Union made history by granting Ukraine candidate status.

"Of course, Ukraine will never become a member of the European Union in the near future. First, there is not a single condition for it, because there are no conditions that must be met to join the European Union," he said, launching TASS June 27.

"Secondly, it is the largest European country with a population of over 40 million. Unfortunately, there are far fewer these days. People have left the country, because they don't see any prospects for development. I don't think the EU will accept a country with an economy. which is completely destroyed," he continued in an interview with the Belarusian television channel STV.

"Suppose they are members of the European Union, that would be the end of it because it would collapse both economically and politically in no time," continued Matviyenko.

"That is why attempts to gain control of not only states but also international institutions will also fail."

Last week, Ukraine became a candidate to join the European Union on Thursday, a bold geopolitical move sparked by the Russian invasion that Kyiv hailed as a "historic moment".

"Historic moment," tweeted European Council chief Charles Michel, adding: "Our future together."

The approval of the Kyiv government's application by a meeting of EU leaders in Brussels will anger Russia, as it struggles to impose its will on Ukraine.

However, the decision to grant Ukraine the status of a candidate for European Union (EU) membership, was made in grave violation of EU traditions and stems from purely geopolitical motives, the desire to keep Kyiv in the orbit of Western European influence, said Deputy Director of the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies. at the Dmitry Suslov Higher School of Economics.

"This is really a sign, a political decision by the European Union, taken for geopolitical reasons. It is meant to emphasize that the EU will not hand Ukraine over to Russia's so-called sphere of influence. Thus, the EU is institutionalizing Ukraine," said Suslov.

At the same time, Suslov saw this decision as a kind of consolation prize, compensating for the refusal to admit Ukraine into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

"This is an acknowledgment that Ukraine will not join NATO. This issue will be removed from the de facto agenda, after the end of the special operations and political settlement, it will eventually be canceled de jure. Ukraine is given alternative, consolation prizes packaged as candidate status to join the EU , said Suslov.

Suslov stressed that by deciding to grant candidate status to Ukraine, as well as Moldova, the European Union was "grossly and fundamentally violating its own fundamental traditions and rules."

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