
LEBAK - The Lebak Regency Government, Banten Province was able to reduce stunting cases by 14 percent until 2024 with the formation of the Stunting Acceleration Control Team (TPPS).

"We are working hard for all parties so that stunting cases can be handled properly," said Paryono to the Government and Human Development Division of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Lebak Regency Paryono in Lebak, Monday.

Pemkan Lebak is committed to handling stunting cases to save the nation's generation, because stunting cases certainly give birth to an unqualified generation, so it needs to be handled by involving TPPS.

The TPPS, he said, consisted of elements from local government agencies starting from villages/kelurahan, sub-districts and districts as well as involving the community, volunteers and religious leaders.

Then, the TPPS works in collaboration for handling stunting cases consisting of the Health Office, Settlement Service, Public Works and Public Housing (DPUPR), Social Service, Population Control Agency, Family Planning, Women Empowerment, and Child Protection (DP2KBP3A), Resilience Service Food, Agriculture Service, Manpower Service, Agriculture Service, volunteers and community elements. He said that they work to support each other in handling food availability by involving local villages, Food Security Service and Agriculture Service, while health is handled by the Health Service.

"All agencies that are involved in handling stunting are in accordance with their fields," he said.

According to him, TPPS also optimizes socialization about eight convergences, including situation analysis, activity plans, stunting consultation, Perbup/Perwali Village Authority, Community Development Cadre Development, data management, stunting measurement and publication, and reviews.

The eight convergences are used as a basic reference for budget allocation for stunting management.

"We certainly have to deal with stunting in an integrated and interrelated way to deal with stunting. We believe that teamwork can reduce stunting cases," said Paryono.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Health Division of the Lebak District Health Office, Dr. Nurul Isneini, said that currently the number of toddlers who were identified as positive for stunting was 6,495 children (6.38 percent) out of 101,073 children, so prevention efforts were continuously being made to save the nation's children.

In addition, it can also pay attention to the health of pregnant women and nutritional intake as well as handling the first 1,000 days of birth starting from 275 days of pregnancy to 730 days of birth.

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