
JAKARTA - A total of 58,275 ruminant livestock have been vaccinated against foot and mouth disease (PMK) in 19 affected provinces as an effort to prevent the spread of the disease. The provisional figure is 58,275 individuals have been vaccinated. Thank you field officers who are persistent and tireless in helping our breeders," said Director General of Livestock and Animal Health at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) Nasrullah in an official statement in Jakarta, Monday 27 June. actively vaccinating, namely Malang Regency as many as 24,483 tails, Pasuruan as many as 4,746, West Bandung as many as 5,139 tails, Banyumas as many as 1,729 individuals. Nasrullah said, quoted by Antara.

Nasrullah asked field officers to accelerate the implementation of vaccinations for healthy animals in areas that are currently red and yellow, to reduce the speed of the spread of FMD. vaccine has been received. We are accelerating our efforts in the field," he said. The government through the Ministry of Agriculture has distributed 651,700 doses of PMK emergency vaccine since Friday (24/6) and has been received by various national livestock enclaves. 3 million doses of emergency vaccines have been prepared, and then the government will continue to increase the number of PMK vaccines to 29 million doses. Nasrullah said that currently the government has set 5 keys to STOP PMK with 5M, namely giving vaccines to healthy livestock, maintaining sanitation and biosecurity of cages, limiting traffic flow. cross livestock and livestock products, isolate sick cattle and new livestock, and carry out stamping out (culling) of PMK sick livestock on islands that are still free of FMD. To date, as many as 273,416 livestock have been confirmed positive for FMD in 217 districts and cities in 19 provinces. . Of these, 88,083 animals recovered, 2,636 were conditionally slaughtered, and 1,657 died.

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