
JAKARTA - Betawi historian JJ Rizal responded to the emergence of a petition supporting the naming of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) to be maintained. As is known, Rizal previously made a petition proposing the name JIS to be changed to MH Thamrin Stadium.

According to Rizal, the emergence of a rival petition is something that everyone can do. However, people can judge that an opinion can be heard more if it is based on science, not just sentiment.

"I think that expressing an opinion is the right of every citizen and it is guaranteed by law. However, as an opinion he can be contested and which one deserves to be heard, of course, the one with a strong scientific basis," said Rizal when contacted, Sunday, June 26.

In supporting his argument, Rizal said that he had conducted research related to the naming of the JIS. Then, he also explained this in front of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan.

"In 2019 I even exhibited the results of research in the form of photos in Field VIJ and it was opened and attended by Governor Anies Baswedan. There was also a seminar and it was held at DKI Jakarta City Hall," he said.

Rizal views, Mohammad Husni Thamrin, is the right name for the character to be immortalized in the magnificent stadium built by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. Because, MH Thamrin has succeeded in inheriting modern Indonesian football as a national reactor.

"MH Thamrin, the son of Betawi, who became a national hero as well as a monumental hero of Jakarta and Indonesia football. He is a national movement figure who defends the little people in the villages who is not only a football freak and likes to cultivate round skin, but also has a vision of modern football. Indonesia is a reactor for nationalism," said Rizal.

Previously, an online petition appeared on the page supporting DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to maintain the name Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) and not change it.

This petition is a match to the petition made by the Betawi historian, JJ Rizal, who asked Anies to change the name of JIS to MH Thamrin Stadium.

This petition was created by a person named Firman Setiawan who claims to be a Jakarta football supporter. Since the petition was uploaded on Thursday, June 23 yesterday, until this morning, the petition has been signed by 31 people.

According to the petitioner, JIS does not need to be renamed to a hero's name. Because many heroes' names have been used as street names in Jakarta.

"With no less respect for the heroes in Indonesia and in Jakarta, their names have been printed on various roads, for example Jalan Thamrin, Jalan Sudirman, Jalan Imam Bonjol, and other roads," said the petitioner, quoted on the Change page. org.

According to him, Jakartans should be proud of the name JIS. Because, this represents an international standard stadium that stands in Jakarta.

"It is proper for the stadium belonging to the DKI Regional Government to name the stadium the Jakarta International Stadium because it stands in its own city and has an international standard stadium. As citizens of Jakarta, we are proud to have an international standard stadium," he said.

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