
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion issued guidelines No. 10/2022 regarding the Implementation of Eid Prayers and the Implementation of Sacrifice 1443 Hijri/2022 AD in the midst of an epidemic of mouth and nail disease (PMK) in order to provide a sense of security to the community.

"This is a guide for the community in holding Eid Prayers, by observing health protocols and carrying out sacrificial worship by paying attention to the health of the sacrificial animals as an effort to maintain public health," said Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas in a written statement quoted by Antara, Saturday, June 25.

The circular, among other things, regulates the implementation of health protocols during Eid prayers and the implementation of sacrifices, takbiran, Eid sermons, provisions for qurbani sharia, to technical slaughter, skinning, chopping, packaging and distribution of sacrificial meat.

Especially for sacrifices, said the Minister of Religion, slaughtering animals on Eid al-Adha is sunnah muakkadah. However, Muslims are advised not to force themselves to sacrifice during an epidemic of mouth and nail disease (PMK).

The Minister of Religion appealed to Muslims to buy sacrificial animals that were healthy and without defects according to the criteria, and to keep them in good health until the day of slaughter.

"Officers and the public must pay attention to the Circular of the Minister of Agriculture regarding the implementation of animal sacrifice and slaughter in situations of foot and mouth disease," he said.

For Muslims who intend to make sacrifices and are in outbreak areas or the outermost areas and areas suspected of PMK, the Minister of Religion appealed to slaughter at Slaughterhouses (RPH).

"Or entrust the purchase, slaughter, and distribution of sacrificial animals to the Amil Zakat Agency, the Amil Zakat Institution, or other institutions that meet the requirements," he said.

As for the Eid prayer guide, the Eid al-Adha prayer on 10 Zulhijjah 1443 H/2022 AD can be held in a mosque or in an open field with due observance of health protocols.

Managers and managers of mosques/musalas are required to appoint officers who ensure the dissemination and application of health protocols to all congregations.

"The public is advised to recite the takbir on the eve of Eid al-Adha Year 1443 H/2022 AD and the day of tasyrik at the mosque/musala or their respective homes," said the Minister of Religion.

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