
JAYAPURA - The Commander of the John Kapiyau Timika Air Base, Lt. Col. (Pnb) Slamet Suhartono, stated that the black box of Susi Air's plane was still at the scene (TKP) in the interior of Duma, Paniai Regency, Papua.

"It is true that until now the black box is still at the crime scene and has not been retrieved," said Lt. Col. (Pnb) Slamet, quoted by Antara, Saturday, June 25.

It is not yet certain when the black box of the plane that had an incident on the Timika-Duma flight on Thursday (23/6) was taken. Currently, we are still waiting for permission from the TNI Commander regarding the use of the Indonesian Air Force's Caracal helicopters.

The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has written to the TNI Commander to request assistance in using helicopters to retrieve the black boxes.

The location where the Susi Air plane crashed was in the middle of the forest. Initially, Susi Air prepared her Pilatus type plane to go with KNKT members to the scene.

"But the plane can only land at Duma. Meanwhile, it takes about a day or two to walk to the location, so the plan cannot be implemented," said Slamet.

Danlanud Yohanes Kapiyau Timika said that if the Caracal helicopter was approved, the team would be dispatched to the location where the victims were evacuated and then walk for an hour.

"Timika Air Base is ready to support the retrieval of the black boxes using a Caracal helicopter which is currently still in Timika," said Lt. Col. (Pnb) Slamet Suhartono.

The Susi Air Pilatus Porter PC-6 aircraft with flight number PK-BVM piloted by Doyle Peter carrying six passengers experienced an incident on the Timika-Duma flight, Thursday (23/6).

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